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5 January 2012

ASK ME | differences between MASS and WEIGHT

:: ASK ME ::

"what is the differences between mass and weight"
Credit to : Kaartik Raj (3 Budiman)


So, what's the difference between weight and mass ???

As long as you stay on Earth, the difference is more philosophical than practical.

What is MASS (jisim) ???
- mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object 
(ukuran bagi jumlah jirim dalam suatu objek)

Did you still remember what is matter (jirim) ?? 
MATTER is anything that has MASS and OCCUPIED SPACE. All solids, liquids and gases are matter.

What is WEIGHT (berat) ???
- weight is a measurement of how gravitational force is pulling on that object
(ukuran bagi daya tarikan graviti yg bertindak pada suatu objek)

Your mass is the SAME wherever you are either on Earth, on the moon, floating in space. This is because the amount of stuff you're made of doesn't change. 
your weight depends on how much gravity is acting on you at the moment.

[ maksudnya, nilai jisim (MASS) adalah sentiasa SAMA walau kat mana pon anda berada. Tapi nilai berat (WEIGHT) sentiasa berubah sebab ia bergantung kepada daya tarikan graviti yg bertindak ke atasnya. Kan daya graviti tak sama kat semua tempat...jadi, bacaan berat seseorang pon akan BERUBAH ]

Examples :
1 kilogram (kg) = 10 Newton (N)

[ on Earth ]
weight = 120 Newton
mass = 12 kg

[ on the Moon ]
weight = 20 Newton
mass = 12 kg

[ in Space ]
weight = 0 Newton
mass = 12 kg

As you can see form the picture above, the value of weight is always changes depending on where it is measured. But, the value of mass is never changes or fixed.


Not influenced by gravity
Influence of gravitational force
Influenced by gravity
Kilogram (kg)
SI unit
Newton (N)
Lever balance,
Beam balance
Measuring instruments
Spring balance,
Compression balance

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